22 april 2024
Amsterdam, Nederland
Bioclock in samenwerking met Amsterdam UMC en het Nederlands Herseninstituut
Dutch Chronobiology Meeting
After a great succes of last year, we will organise the next Dutch Chronobiology Meeting on April 22, 2024. This year, the meeting takes place in Amsterdam, organised by the Amsterdam UMC and the Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience.
We want to gather all chronobiologists to create a full day symposium on the breadth and depth of research on circadian biology and biological rhythms that takes place in the Netherlands. More information on the program of this day, will follow soon.
This day is organized and funded by the BioClock consortium but we explicitly invite all chronobiologists within the Netherlands to attend.
For questions, contact us at bioclock@lumc.nl.
We hope to see you then!
Dirk-Jan Stenvers (Amsterdam UMC)
Andries Kalsbeek (Amsterdam UMC & NIN)
Susanne la Fleur (Amsterdam UMC & NIN)
Chun-Xia Yi (Amsterdam UMC)
Joke Meijer (LUMC & BioClock)
Laura Kervezee (LUMC & BioClock)